PADI Diving Classes and Certifications in Cartagena

In Cartagena, you can obtain various diving certifications, with the most popular being the PADI certification. You can also take one-day experience courses if you're not seeking a full certification.

For safety, the maximum ratio for beginners or uncertified divers is four participants per instructor. For certified divers, the ratio is six participants per instructor or Dive Master. These ratios may be reduced if there are children, individuals with special needs, or adverse weather conditions.

How much are diving classes?*
Diving classes to obtain the PADI certification in Cartagena range between US$455 and US$550. One-day experience courses range between US$135 and US$190. Take a look of our Mini Course and start your certification right away.

How many people are there with each instructor?
The maximum ratio for beginners is four participants per instructor. For certified divers, the ratio is six participants per instructor or Dive Master.

Certificación PADI en Cartagena

How much does the PADI Open Water certification cost?
Diving classes to obtain the PADI Open Water certification in Cartagena range between US$455 and US$550. Here you can see more details about our PADI Open Water certification course.

How long does a diving class last?
The theoretical training for a one-day experience course can last about 30 minutes. The same training for the first-level certification course can last about 10 hours.
